Week of Sept 2-6 Updates and News

  1. Upcoming Events:

- Back-to-School Night: Join us on September 12th for a chance to meet your child’s teachers and learn about their coursework and expectations. Details on the schedule will be shared soon.

-First Home Football Game is Friday, September 6th at 7:00 PM: Please join us for the Friday Night Lights tradition as our Pirates take on Lawndale HS.

  1. Academic Information:

-Class Schedules and Changes: Class balancing will be finalizing this week. LAUSD reduced the class size allowed this year, which is a great thing to have smaller classes.  The 9th & 10th grade classes will be those most impacted; Algebra 1, Biology, World History, and Chemistry.  Any questions about schedule adjustments can be directed to the counseling office on both campuses.

-Assessment: The first round of I-Ready Assessments took place last week.  Please encourage your student to review their scores with you and reach out to teachers if they need assistance accessing I-Pathway (the online intervention in both Literacy and Math).

  1. Extracurriculars and Activities:

-Clubs and Sports: SPHS held the first Club Rush Event last week.  Many of our clubs and sports teams have started their practices and meetings. Students are encouraged to participate and can find more information by contacting the club advisors.

Thank you for your ongoing support and engagement!


Best regards,