Flagship Campus The following gates will close at the start of school day:15th Street, 16th Street, and 17th Street
SBM Discipline Subcommittee Date: Wednesday, March 26thTime: 3:45 PMZoom Link: https://lausd.zoom.us/j/5049177449?pwd=R1BQclZLblA4UzArNy9tUkpnMGFpdz09
LAUSD School Experience Survey The annual LAUSD School Experience Survey will be available for parents to complete. We encourage all parents to take part in this important survey to provide feedback that helps improve the educational experience for all students. Goal is 100% of families complete!
LAUSD Calendars for 2025-2028: The new calendars have been posted fir 25-26, 26-27, and 27-28 school years
FAFSA or CADAA is DUE NOW FOR SENIORS! Avoid being put on the stop clearance list by getting this done . Come to the workshop this Saturday at Olguin from 9am-12pm, or talk to your counselor to get help.
Apply here to participate in these upcoming SPHS events! Take a trip with friends to a medieval jousting tournament or see a daring pirate show! Come and paint a ceramic keepsake after school!
SBM PD Sub Committe meeting Wednesday March 19, 2025 at 3:45Join Zoom Meetinghttps://lausd.zoom.us/j/2417140174?omn=89343516639 Meeting ID: 241 714 0174