Zoom link
Meeting ID: 854 0671 3066 Passcode: SBM2425
3:45-5:00 pm
- Welcome and Introductions
- Attendance/roll
- Public Comment
- New Business
- Review Bylaws and Meeting Norms and Committees
- Committee Reports:
- Professional Development Anna and Sophia
- update and reflection on current PD rollout
- looking ahead and planning through sub committee (dates, topics)
- Student Discipline Guidelines and Student Code of Conduct (Gabby and Wagoner)
- Cell phone policy Sub committee report
- Tardies and policy
- Sub Committee Minutes
- Equipment (Richard)
- Budget Accounts (Richard)
- School Activities/Calendar/Bell Schedules (Ferguson, Shulman, Druskovich, Harper, Patapoff, ASB)
- MOY Dates and sub committee report
- Spring dates for extended 3rd period Tuesdays.
- Dead week spring
- SBM Sub Committee Minutes
- Principal Update
- Announcements/Concerns/Brainstorming-
- Proposal of agenda items for next meeting-
- March 13th, April 10th, May 8th, June ??
- Adjournment