San Pedro High School Home

News & Announcements

Running Late to School?

Flagship Campus

The following gates will close at the start of school day:
15th Street, 16th Street, and 17th Street

SBM Discipline Subcommittee

Date: Wednesday, March 26th
Time: 3:45 PM
Zoom Link:

LAUSD School Experience Survey

The annual LAUSD School Experience Survey will be available for parents to complete. We encourage all parents to take part in this important survey to provide feedback that helps improve the educational experience for all students. Goal is 100% of families complete!


SBM Discipline Subcommittee

Time: 3:45 PM – 4:45 PM
Location: Zoom Link:

About Us

Together with our teachers, staff and the administration, we want to welcome our students and school community back to San Pedro High School for the 24-25 school year.  San Pedro High School is ready to welcome our students back to engage in meaningful learning experiences and continue to move toward reaching our goal of becoming college and career ready. 
San Pedro High School - Flagship Campus

Our Mission

San Pedro High School provides students with academic and social skills to succeed in college, career and their community.

Our Vision

San Pedro High School offers all students opportunities to develop knowledge, skills and a growth mindset to access college and career options that prepare them for success in a changing global society.