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The California School Dashboard gives you lots of information about public schools and school districts all over the state of California.  You can get information on how students are performing in English and math, performance levels of English Learners, as well as graduation rates, progress towards graduation, and suspensions.
You can also access information about different student groups, and compare data to state-wide information.
 Online Meal Application
By clicking on this link, you can apply for the Federal Meals Program. In addition to free or reduced-price meals on campus, qualifying students can also get free tutoring by private companies, free admission to SAT and ACT college admissions tests, apply to 4 colleges or universities for free, and pay a reduced price for each AP examination taken.
Solicitud para beneficios de alimentos
Se puede llenar la solicitud en el Internet. Estudiantes que cualifican para los beneficios de alimentos no solo reciben comidas gratis o a un precio reducido, pero también son elegibles para "tutoría" (ayuda académica) gratis, entrada gratis para exámenes ACT o SAT (para entrar a la universidad), solicitudes gratis para la universidad, y pagan un precio reducido para cada examen AP (para crédito en la universidad).