Title I » School Site Council

School Site Council

The School Site Council meets on Thursdays (third Thursday of each month starting in November) at 3:45 p.m.; however, dates and times are subject to change depending on members availability.
California Education Code 65000 requires Title I schools to establish a School Site Council (SSC) as the decision-making council for all programs funded through the
Consolidated Application. SSC is responsible for developing, reviewing, and approving the SPSA (School Plan for Student Achievement).
This Council discusses all of the categorical programs at San Pedro High School, receives input from the ELAC (English Learners' Advisory Council) and other stakeholders including students, parents, teachers, and staff.  The SSC makes budgetary and policy decisions on categorical budgets.  See below for the list of meeting dates and Zoom links to join the meeting. 
The SSC is comprised of the principal, teachers, out-of-classroom personnel, parents and students. Members are elected for a one year term, with all roles up for election this year. Join us for an orientation on September 7th at 3:45 pm  for more information.